Top 10 reasons to build your next startup with serverless
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When you're building a product, speed and cost are important. That's why serverless architectures are becoming more popular. In this post, we'll explore the top 10 reasons that developers should consider serverless for their next product.
Lower costs
Serverless computing is an emerging technology that lets you build applications without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure. And you'll save money by not needing to buy and maintain hardware, pay for idle servers, pay for the electricity used by servers or the staff required to manage them.
One of the most compelling reasons to choose serverless is cost savings. You can significantly cut costs by eliminating capital expenditures on servers and other infrastructure, as well as operational expenses associated with maintaining those systems—which could include everything from power consumption to staffing costs (including wages). You also won't have server maintenance costs if something goes wrong with your app's infrastructure because serverless providers take care of it all for you—and there's no risk of downtime due to these failures because they're handled automatically in a cloud environment
Faster time to market
Serverless technology is good news for everyone who wants to launch a new product or service, but especially good news for startups.
Let's say you're building a SaaS offering and want to be able to scale up quickly when you need more customers. With cloud computing, you can spin up multiple servers in seconds. But if you're using serverless architecture, scaling is instantaneous: no need to worry about buying extra hardware or adding more capacity; just deploy your code again and voila! You've got more infrastructure on demand.
High Availability
If you are using a cloud provider, it is easier to provide high availability (HA) in serverless architecture than in traditional architecture. For example, if you have one or more of your functions running on a virtual machine and one VM fails, all your functions will be unavailable until the VM is up again. On the other hand, if a serverless layer has failed, only the related functions are unavailable and not all of them because there is no single point of failure in the system.
Serverless applications are built with a focus on security from the ground up, which means that you don't need to worry about securing them. Serverless frameworks like AWS Lambda and Azure Functions prevent users from accessing resources they aren't allowed to touch. This means there's no need for complicated permissioning systems or security patches. It also makes it simpler to build compliant applications because you know only code has access to sensitive information and functionality as long as it's authorized. By contrast, traditional applications make it difficult to keep track of all dependencies and credentials (think: databases) because they're often shared across multiple environments—and even within the same environment!
You can also scale your serverless application up or down as needed, without having to worry about provisioning new servers. You’re never stuck with more capacity than you need, which means that when traffic spikes and your costs increase, so does the price of using your service on AWS Lambda.
With traditional infrastructure, you have to maintain high server capacity at all times in order to handle peak loads. But since serverless applications are stateless (no data lives on individual instances), they can easily be scaled up or down without downtime or performance degradation.
This means that scaling is an almost effortless process: You simply make a small change to your code and redeploy it into production—the rest is handled by Amazon Web Services (AWS).
No patching of servers
With serverless, you don't have to worry about patching servers. You can focus on building your product and let AWS do the rest.
Getting started with serverless If you're new to the world of serverless, take a look at our Getting Started guide to learn how simple it is to get started with AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway.
Debugging and logging
Logging is a key part of debugging. You use logs to figure out what went wrong, where things broke down and how you can make it better next time.
The serverless architecture makes it easier to log. With functions being stateless, all that's needed is a little bit of code at the beginning and end of each function which will automatically log every call made to your functions (including any errors). You'll also want some logs specific to each function as well but this will usually be less than what you'd have with a more traditional architecture due to their statelessness.
Logs are automatically stored in Cloudwatch by default but if you need more control over your configuration there are several options available:
- You can configure Cloudwatch rules on certain events or all events
- You can configure Cloudwatch alerts based on thresholds set within Cloudwatch logs themselves
Testing of new features
Rapid development and testing
One of the most important advantages is that you can develop new features faster. With serverless architecture, you don't need to set up your own infrastructure to test your code before deploying it to production. This means you can iterate more quickly on ideas because there's no need for complicated infrastructure setup or maintenance between iterations.
Easier deployment
With serverless computing, each function runs in isolation with its own execution environment so it's easy to deploy new functions without affecting other functions or their associated resources (such as databases). This makes it a lot easier than traditional architectures where connections between components are hardwired together via network ports and therefore can't be modified without changing all related code simultaneously - something that may prove difficult if many people are working on different parts of an application at once!
Isolation of resources
With serverless, you don’t have to worry about resource contention. Multiple functions can share the same underlying resources, and there is no need to isolate them from each other. This means that you don't need to worry about security between functions. You only pay for what you use and can scale up or down when needed.
Serverless architecture is cheaper and faster than traditional approaches.
Serverless is a new way of building apps, which means it can be more cost-effective than using traditional methods. This is because serverless architecture allows you to pay only for the resources you’re using (for example, instead of paying for an entire server), so you don’t have to worry about unused capacity or paying for an idle machine. It also makes it easier to scale your app based on demand and can help eliminate downtime caused by maintenance windows since there are no dedicated machines that need updating regularly.
Serverless is an approach to building applications that is gaining momentum in the developer community. Engineers who use this architecture have many reasons to be excited about it, but there are also some challenges. The most important thing is that serverless has a lot of potential, and with its ability to help developers build faster and cheaper applications, it’s likely here to stay!
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